EPSI Organises Sphere final webinar next 26th march

The European Platform for Sport Innovation, in the framework of Erasmus+ SPHERE, is glad to invite you to the final online event presenting the results of the Project, taking place online next 26th March at 14.00 CET.

Erasmus+ SPHERE Project will end soon and EPSI will organise a final webinar where the project results will be presented publicly. During this webinar, partners will analyze the steps made towards the creation of the Scientific Protocol and talk about the importance of the role of sport for mental health rehabilitation.

The online appointment will be organized in the framework of SPHERE, project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Sport programme of the European Union. Led by ECOS, the project consortium includes EPSI, Everton in The Community, Finnish Sport Federation Tampere Region, Technical University of Munich, Rijeka Sport Association for People with Disabilities and Cardiff Metropolitan University.