Closing Project Conference “KIDS”

Date 6.4.2022. The Sports Association of Persons with Disabilities of the City of Rijeka held the final conference of the project entitled: Kinesitherapy activities for the inclusion of children with disabilities – KIDS.

The project: “Kinesitherapeutic activities to the inclusion of children with disabilities – KIDS” is funded by the European Social Fund in the amount of 1,223,462.75 kn. With its goals and activities, it responded to the need to develop and equalize the capacity of professionals who conduct kinesitherapy, sports-recreational and psychosocial support for children with disabilities in rural or less developed counties. Through its activities, the project relied on a structured exchange of experiences, knowledge and skills in their direct application in working with children with disabilities.

Through its activities, it contributed to the improvement of social inclusion of children with disabilities under the age of 18 in four counties of different levels of development through their participation in sports and recreational activities and receiving appropriate support in the field of psychosocial services.

The project was successfully implemented in the counties of partner organizations, resulted in excellent cooperation between organizations of different profiles and improved their further work as the acquired knowledge and experience will continue to be implemented in the future. Efforts will be made to implement as many similar initiatives as possible in order to strengthen the capacity of professionals, as well as to improve the psycho-physical development of children with disabilities in order to improve their level of social integration.



Rijeka, 10.04.2021.
Reg. Number: IZ-865/2021.

Based on Articles 22 and 24 of the Statute of the Rijeka Sports Association for Persons with Disabilities, an Election Session of the Rijeka Sports Association for Persons with Disabilities was convened and will be held electronically (by e-mail) on Thursday, April 29, 2021, beginning at 8 a.m. and ending at 4 p.m.

The following has been proposed for the session:


1. Verification of the record from the assembly of the association held in 2020

2. Selection of working bodies

    2.1. Verification and Candidacy Commission

Ivan Tomičić
Ivica Žunić
Nikola Uzelac

    2.2. Recorder

Luka Dobrović

    2.3. Record verifiers

Hrvoje Vlahović
Hrvoje Usmiani

3. Report of the Verification and Candidacy Commission

4. Amendments to the Statute of the association (pdf, hr)

5. Verification Commission Report

6. Program and financial report on the work of the association for 2020

7. Report of the Supervisory Board on the operations of the association in 2020

8. Presidential Mandate Report for the 2018-2021 Mandate Period

9. Dismissal of all bodies of the association

10. Election of the President of the Association – Verification and Candidacy Commission

      1. Miljenko Mišljenović

11. Election of the Vice President of the association

      1. Ivan Kombol

12. Election of the Executive Board of the Alliance

      1. Nikola Uzelac – member
      2. Ivan Tomičić – member
      3. Hrvoje Usmiani – member

13. Election of the Supervisory Board of the Association

      1. Jasna Lulić Drenjak – President
      2. Vedran Dumenčić – member
      3. nedžad Dizdarević – member

14. Making a decision on giving consent to the persons authorized to represent the association

      1. Miljenko Mišljenović – President
      2. Ivan Kombol – Vice President

15. Adoption of the strategic plan of the association for the period 2021-2025.

16. Adoption of the operational and financial plan of the association for 2021 and 2022

17. Miscellaneous

SAILAWAY project partners meeting

Date 1.04.2021. an online meeting of SAILAWAY project partners was held. The previous activities of the project were discussed at the meeting, and a plan for the implementation of future activities was worked out.
The goal of the SAILAWAY project is to improve and expand sailing for people with autism. Project activities are aimed at educating sailing coaches to train people with autism. The leading partner is KMOP from Greece, while other partners are Montetauro Social Cooperative from Italy, Mira’m Foundation from Spain, Institute of Development Ltd from Cyprus, Nautical Club of Paleon Faliron from Greece, Yacht Club “Capt. G. Georgiev – Port Varna” from Bulgaria and the Rijeka Sports Association for Persons with Disabilities as a representative from Croatia. The project is co-financed in the amount of € 280,529.00 by the European Union through the Erasmus + Sport – Collaborative Partnership program. The project budget for the Rijeka Sports Association for Persons with Disabilities is € 31,340.00.

EPSI Organises Sphere final webinar next 26th march

SPHERE Webinar

The European Platform for Sport Innovation, in the framework of Erasmus+ SPHERE, is glad to invite you to the final online event presenting the results of the Project, taking place online next 26th March at 14.00 CET.

Erasmus+ SPHERE Project will end soon and EPSI will organise a final webinar where the project results will be presented publicly. During this webinar, partners will analyze the steps made towards the creation of the Scientific Protocol and talk about the importance of the role of sport for mental health rehabilitation.

The online appointment will be organized in the framework of SPHERE, project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Sport programme of the European Union. Led by ECOS, the project consortium includes EPSI, Everton in The Community, Finnish Sport Federation Tampere Region, Technical University of Munich, Rijeka Sport Association for People with Disabilities and Cardiff Metropolitan University.