Strengthening the capacity of people with disabilities for the labor market - "ActivOSI."
Date 05/09/2018 The implementation of the EU project entitled:
“Strengthening the capacity of persons with disabilities for the labor market”, acronym: ActivOSI. The project was initiated by the Para Sports Association of the City of Rijeka, as a project applicant and the Croatian Paralympic Committee, as a partner.
The Para Sports Association of the City of Rijeka is a user of grants from the European Social Fund in the amount of HRK 1,121,147.02.
The project was fully funded by the European Union from the European Social Fund in the total amount of HRK 1,121,147.02.
It was applied for as part of the call for tenders “Support to social inclusion and employment of marginalized groups” within the Operational Program “Effective Human Resources 2014 – 2020”.
Project activities are aimed at educating and training people with disabilities in order to bring them closer to the labor market and to contribute to increasing their employment opportunities. Persons who will participate in the project activities will go through a training program for a leader of sports and recreational activities for people with disabilities. This is a program that has been verified by the amenable Ministry, and was developed by expert associates of the Croatian Paralympic Committee. In addition, the project will provide training in the field of informatics, for the purpose of computer training, and training of persons with disabilities for event management in sports, after which participants will be educated for the organization of sports competitions, sports promotion and its development for people with disabilities.
There will also be workshops led by a life coach aimed at raising self-confidence and strengthening faith in one’s own abilities, which are an important item on the path to building a personal career. Unemployed adults with disabilities will participate in the project as members of the target group, and the project activity will be carried out in the area of the city of Rijeka and Zagreb for a period of 22 months.
Contact person:
Luka Dobrović, tel. 051 312-224
Public procurement
Procurement notice (hr, pdf)
Annex 1 – Tender documentation (hr, pdf)
Annex 2 – Tender sheet (hr, docx)
Annex 3 – Cost estimate (hr, docx)
Annex 4 – Bidder’s statement (hr, docx)
Decree (hr, pdf)
Register of receipt of bids (hr, pdf)
Minutes of the tender opening procedure (hr, pdf)
The content of the website is the sole responsibility of the Para Sports Association of the City of Rijeka