Swimming is 4 everyone
The S4E project, Swimming is for Everyone, promotes swimming as an educational tool.
There are two main objectives:
- Inclusion of children aged 5 to 14 in socio-economic difficulties through sport
- knowledge, which is considered to be the result of a process of research and training.
S4E includes 3 organizations active in promoting sport as an integration tool: Ede Nuoto for Italy, Para Sports Association of the City of Rijeka for Croatia and Spor Elcileri Dernegi for Turkey.
The exchange of practices and experiences between participating organizations aims to increase knowledge about integration through sport and initiate actions to promote sport among the most vulnerable groups in society.
Cooperation between partners will address the negative effects of the pandemic, both on sports organizations and on marginalized sections of the population.
Swimming instructors will play a fundamental role both in the involvement of children and in the development of knowledge about teaching swimming in inclusive courses.
Activities to achieve the objectives are:
The main results will be:
- conducting research on the experiences of actions for integration through sport, in order to increase the methodological knowledge available to participants;
- developing Guidelines for instructors and staff of participating organisations with the aim of providing a practical tool for trainers and improving the practice of organisations;
- training of instructors, in order to increase the skills of instructors and encourage the inclusion of children from disadvantaged groups .
S4E Research – Background research on the use of swimming as a form of social inclusion for children in need.
S4E Guidelines – Guidelines for the promotion and activation of swimming projects for groups of disadvantaged children and youth.
S4E Training Module – A training course for swimming instructors, with a focus on how to use swimming as a tool and opportunity for social integration.